2024-07-12 07:37:23
Dear Readers,
We regret to inform you that due to legal reasons, this website will cease operation in a few months. Below are instructions for handling some accounts and other matters. 1. There is no need to worry about the privacy and security of your account, it will be cleared when the matter is over. 2. For unexpired supporters, we will refund as much as possible after the court proceedings are concluded. If a refund is not possible, we will convert the compensation to the original website for a similar period. 3. From this moment on, all novels will cease any updates and other operations. 4. From this point on, we will no longer be responsible for the novels uploaded to this website by readers themselves, nor will we be able to repair and restore such lost or damaged data. The above are some of the aftermath and compensation measures taken by this website. From now on, we will shift our work focus to the original website of "mwnovel.com" and will no longer engage in any illegal work. In addition, "mwnovel.com" is a legal and formal novel website, and you are very welcome to write and read there.(If you want to become an author, please go to the bottom of the new website to join its discord server and contact the administrator to apply.) Sorry again due to force majeure legal reasons, thank you all for your support. We will meet again under the sun eventually.